SrTiO3 Strontium Titanate

SrTiO3 Strontium titanate single crystal has the good lattice structure possessed by perovskite structured materials. It is an excellent substrate material for the epitaxial growth of HTS and most oxide films, and has been widely used in the research of high-temperature superconducting films. It is also widely used in special optical windows and high-quality sputtering targets.

Product Description

SrTiO3 Strontium titanate single crystal has the good lattice structure possessed by perovskite structured materials. It is an excellent substrate material for the epitaxial growth of HTS and most oxide films, and has been widely used in the research of high-temperature superconducting films. It is also widely used in special optical windows and high-quality sputtering targets.

Main Features

Well with the lattice of HTS materials

No twin crystal structure

Excellent physical and mechanical properties

Material Properties

Syngonycubic system
Growing directionsFlame method
Lattice constanta=3.905Å
Melting point (℃)2080
Density (g/cm3)5.122
Hardness (Mho)6-6.5
Thermal expansion coefficient (/℃)9.4×10-6
Dielectric constantε=5.20
Thermal expansion coefficient10.4×10-6/k
Color and appearanceTransparent   (sometimes slightly brown according to the annealing state) without twin
Crystal surface   orientation accuracy±0.5°
Edge orientation   accuracy2° (Special   requirements are within 1°)
Crystal orientation<100>,   <110>, <111>, etc
